The ten stories in this collection and the bio-
graphical sketch of Thomas Garrett ("Our Moses")
first appeared five or six years ago in the children's
paper, Scattered Seeds, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
which has given gracious permission for their pub-
lication in book form. The sketch was written from
material furnished by Garrett's daughter, Laura.

The background account, "The Railroad and Its
Passengers," is derived from many sources, includ-
ing Henrietta Buckmaster's recent fine book, "Let
My People Go."

Most of the stories printed in Scattered Seeds were
told to me by members of families who participated
in the events related. As is only to be expected, the
majority are tales of hairbreadth escapes, for dramatic
events pass easily down in family tradition, while less
exciting facts, such as weeks of feeding the hungry
and helping those in flight, may pass into oblivion.
The story "Wajelma" is rewritten from Lydia
Maria Child's "Life of Isaac T. Hopper," from which
also was taken material for the sketch of his life
given here.

"'The Road to Canada" comes from the "Auto-
biography" of Allen 'Jay, of Indiana. Most of the con
versation in' the story is taken' from' his own account
of the events.

The sketch of Levi Coffin is based on his own
"Reminiscences." From this source also comes "A
Station on the Underground Railroad."

"The Story of Frank Quintance" was told to
me by the nephew of Henry W. Wilbur who figured
in the events as a child.

"A Case of Whooping Cough" comes directly
from the daughter of James and Amelia Jackson who
were "conductors" at this "station" in Delaware. I
myself remember the couple in later years, old,
bowed, and feeble, yet retaining something of the fire
which in their youth had made them staunch sup-
porters of true freedom.

"Brown Sister" and "The Runaway Slave"
are as related by Emily W. Lawton, who, though
in New York at the time of narrating, was
born in Ohio, in a house which had been a busy
Underground Railroad station.
All these stories were approved in their final form
by those who gave data for them.
"The Face At The Window" was seen by my
own grandmother in northern Ohio. This story and
"The Hearthstone" and "David Goes to Mar-
ket" are typical narratives of the Underground Rail-

The account of Harriet Tubman is taken largely
from Elizabeth Ross Haynes' biography of this re-
markable woman, in her book "Unsung Heroes."

Except for the biography of Harriet Tubman
and "A Station on the Underground Railroad,"
the stories are all of Quaker workers and their work.
But no book about the Railroad can be just or true
which does not bear testimony to the gallant part
played by the Negroes themselves in securing free-
dom for others of their race.

There is still a great emancipation problem before
us all. This time, however, our efforts may be made
in the full light of day, to bring it about that color
shall not count in the rights of citizenship or in our
feeling of brotherhood toward each other. May Ne-
groes and Whites continue to work side by side in
the eternal struggle to maintain freedom for all. I
shall be glad if in these pictures of the past there
may be some inspiration for the future.

Anna L. Curtis.

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