Lower Owyhee Watershed Assessment

Prepared for
Prepared by
Scientific Ecological Services, Inc.
Written by

This assessment was funded by a grant from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
© Owyhee Watershed Council and Scientific Ecological Services

         A survey was conducted of the existing information about multiple interrelated aspects of the Lower Owyhee Watershed.  An evaluation of the data concluded that the major current threat to the health of the Lower Owyhee Watershed is the spread of noxious, invasive species, such as tamarisk in riparian areas and medusahead rye in the rangelands.
Contents of the assessment:


Location of subbasin
  1. Overview  (pdf)
  2. Background  (pdf)
  3. Identified Issues (pdf)
  4. Historical Conditions  (pdf)
  5. Hydrology (pdf)
  6. Water Use (pdf)
  7. Irrigated Agriculture (pdf)
  8. Recreation (pdf)
  9. Rangeland (pdf)
  10. Wildlife (pdf)
  11. Riparian / Wetlands and Channel Habitat Type (pdf)
  12. Channel Modification Assessment (pdf)
  13. Sediment Sources Assessment (pdf)
  14. Fish and Fish Habitat Assessment (pdf)
  15. Water Quality Assessment (pdf)
  16. Watershed Condition Evaluation (pdf)
  17. Monitoring Plan (pdf)

Appendix A.  Notes on mapping (pdf)
Appendix B.  Description of the ecoregions in different systems of classification (pdf)
Appendix C.  Water rights in the lower Owyhee subbasin (pdf)
Appendix D.  Oregon's water quality standards (pdf)
Appendix E.  Plants identified in the lower Owyhee subbasin (pdf)
Appendix F.  Weeds of special importance to the lower Owyhee subbasin (pdf)
Appendix GPlant communities identified by different studies in the lower Owyhee subbasin (pdf)
Appendix H.  Descriptions of channel habitat types in the lower Owyhee subbasin (pdf)
Appendix J.   Data gaps and unknowns (pdf)
Appendix K.  Interviews with residents (pdf)

This document should be cited as:
Shock, Candace, Myrtle Shock, and Clinton Shock.  2007.  Lower Owyhee Watershed Assessment.  Prepared for the Owyhee Watershed Council, prepared by Scientific Ecological Services.  Accessible online, http://shockfamily.net/Owyhees/Index.htm

Other Owyhee Watershed Council assessments:
Upper Owyhee Watershed Assessment


Special thanks are due to Ray Perkins who helped formulate much of the Fish and Fish Habitat component.  Valuable information and reviews were provided by Walt VanDyke, Bill Krueger, Gary Page, Andy Bentz, and Barry Nord.  We are indebted to information available from many published sources and public presentations.

The Owyhee Watershed Council contributed by reading components and offering many helpful comments.  Of special note are the suggestions received from Jerry Hoagland, Jennifer Martin, Carl Hill, Martin Andre and Donna Culley.